Hungarian Paprika photo by eLKayPics
Hungarian Paprika photo by eLKayPics

Which Is The Best Hungarian Paprika And Why?

One of the best Hungaricums, i.e. real and high-quality Hungarian products is the ground rose paprika. As Encyclopedia Britannica writes:

The rose paprika of Hungary is generally considered the finest variety. It is made from choice dark red pods that have a sweet flavour and aroma. A sharper Hungarian variety, Koenigspaprika, or king’s paprika, is made from the whole pepper.

Fun Foodie Walking Tasting Tour Budapest Hungary Paprika Goulash Carpe Diem
Fun Foodie Tour Budapest Goulash Soup

Paprika is not simply a popular seasoning in Hungary, but its at the very core of Hungarian cuisine (I have also personally realized it while living in New Orleans). It is used for its flavor and for its bright color in two varieties: édes or sweet and erős or hot/ spicy. Most households will have both for Hungarian dishes like goulash (gulyás, or gulyásleves: say goo-yaash), which is the flagship Hungarian dish (alas, slightly threatened by more modern and healthy cuisine trends). If you think you have eaten goulash, think twice: most of the goulash or canned goulash sold in western countries is not resembling the real goulash (it’s like having a real New Orleanian gumbo soup or getting a canned gumbo in Sweden). Another version of goulash is made with beans (babgulyás): it is wonderful, very filling though, so better eaten for lunch to give your stomach some time to digest it.

Further typical Hungarian dishes made with ground paprika are different stews (beef, pork, chicken, mutton, most typically), which we call pörkölt (perr-curlt) in Hungarian, fish soup, lecsó, ‘paprikás’ anything as ‘paprikás’ means ‘with paprika’ so you can have paprikás krumpli (potato stew with sausages) or paprikás csirke ( a type of chicken stew), paprikás gomba (mushroom stew), etc. As you can see, Hungarian like stewing all kinds of things.

Hungarian Paprika Production in Szeged Rubin
Hungarian Paprika Production in Szeged Rubin

You may hear about ‘fake paprika stew‘ dishes, which doesn’t necessarily mean that the paprika in the stew is fake: ‘fake’ refers to the fact that there is no meat in the stew (e.g. green pea stew with noodles), so it’s only imitation of the real paprika stew – by default, made with meat. Of course, a perfect solution for vegan /  vegetarian days.

There is no limit to the Hungarian dishes that are made with paprika, including – well, almost every spicy, salty dish will get a little colour with paprika – depending on the cooking style of the chef (green bean soup, stuffed cabbage, meatballs, or ‘Fasirt’, sausages, salamis, different vegetable dishes thickened with roux – ‘főzelék’ in Hungarian). Paprika seed oil is getting more popular these days, but Paprika paste is perhaps the most heavily used in Hungary, apart from paprika powder.

Best Paprika Brands in Hungary: where to buy and what to buy?

If you are not sure what kind of paprika you should buy in Hungary, the safest choice would be to go for Szeged or Kalocsa paprika of the sweet type. Both Szeged and Kalocsa are cities in Hungary competing for the title of Paprika Capital for centuries. You can buy it in most supermarkets at normal price, or in the Central Market Hall in decorative packaging. The quality range goes from extra delicatesse, through delicatesse, noble sweet, hot delicatesse, and rose. Here are the major paprika locations on the Tourist Map (see the red signs for the Central Market Hall, Kalocsa and Szeged)


Hungarian Paprika from Szeged by Rubin Great Taste Award
Hungarian Paprika from Szeged by Rubin Great Taste Award

By today, I think Szeged is typically associated with the best paprika in Hungary. Why? Probably for several reasons: a, the paprika plant spread and most paprika dishes come from the Szeged region (although there are wonderful paprikas grown in Kalocsa and other parts of the country too) b, better marketing – already exporting to western countries (incl. the US) in the 1930’s c, biochemist Professor Albert Szent-Györgyi got his Nobel in 1937 for discovering vitamin C, which, as you may have guessed, happened to be very high content in Szeged paprika. And this fact in itself, seems to have won the Paprika Capital title for Szeged. To put Albert Szent-György­i’s discovery more scientifically:

Walt­ner treated the ef­fect­s of vit­am­in A found in the Hun­gari­an cap­sic­um, while Al­ber­t Szent-György­i ex­amined vit­am­in C. He dis­covered that cap­sic­um [i.e. paprika] is the main source of vit­am­in C. He pro­duced it in a large amoun­t thus cre­at­ing the pos­sib­il­ity to state the ex­act chem­ic­al struc­ture of this vit­am­in, also c­alled ascor­bic a­cid. He also elab­or­ated a tech­no­logy for the pro­duc­tion of a paprika sort with con­densed vit­am­in C, a most healthy spice. … He dis­covered the cata­lys­is of di­car­bon a­cid C4, a basis for the Kreb­s cir­cu­la­tion pro­cess. His re­searches con­cern­ing the per­ox­ide-sys­tem led to the dis­cov­ery of the re­du­cing a­gent ne­ces­sar­y for ox­id­a­tion – the ascor­bic a­cid. He es­tab­lished the com­pound­s of hex­ur­on a­cid, iden­ti­fied it with the ascor­bic a­cid – an­d this is vit­am­in C.

Growing paprika in the Kalocsa region (mid-southern part of Hungary) goes back to the 18th century, but industrial production only started in the 1920’s. Kalocsa was in strong competition with Szeged, especially in the sweet paprika (édes paprika) market. Their extra strength is that Kalocsa folk dresses are beautiful and girls look pretty with the paprika.

Paprika Garlands
I think I am lucky enough to say that I was making paprika garlands with my grandfather. It is an old tradition in Hungary and a practical way of letting the hand picked paprikas dry on long strings hung out in front of the house. Although a paprika garland is also very decorative, you won’t see many these days, especially not in Budapest: it is more simple to buy the ground version (as dry paprika powder or as wet paprika paste, like the staple condiment of almost every Hungarian household, Erős Pista of the spicy kind or Edes Anna of the sweet kind).

Hungarian Paprika Varieties & Winners

Did you know?

0, Paprika contains Vitamin C, anitoxidants and capsaicin. Hungarians use paprika in dishes that you could describe as ‘tons of paprika,’ which turns out to be a healthy thing!

1, Paprika is a Hungaricum, despite the fact that paprika as such only came to Europe in the 16th century thanks to the doctor of Columbus, Diego Chanca. Paprika (or capsicum in Latin) comes from Central America. Europeans were quite suspicious about the new plant: for two centuries it was only used as a decoration. Paprika came to Hungary in the 16th century: there are documents from 1570 about the ‘red Turkish pepper‘ as it was called at that time. In the 17th century there are already family names with Paprika.

2, Paprika became a popular part of cuisine in the 1780’s in Hungary. The technique of producing sweet paprika was gradually developed in Hungary from the 1850’s by getting rid of the seeds and stems, only keeping the pods.

3, One of the most popular TV channel in Hungary is TV Paprika: a cooking programme

4, To make dishes hot, besides spicy ground paprika, several Hungarians also like wet paprika cream (especially in meat soups, goulash and stews) and the small hot green pepper originally imported from the excellent Bulgarian gardens in the 1870’s.

5, There is a Paprika Museum in Szeged with standard exhibitions of the His­tory of Szeged Paprika as well as the Pick Salam­i. En­trance fees are dirt cheap (at the time of writing in 2008: 480 HUF/adult, 360 HUF/chil­dren, stu­dent­s an­d pen­sion­er­s). Szeged is about 170 km/ 106 miles from Budapest. There is also a Paprika Museum in Kalocsa (see the map above).

6, Paprika is NOT red pepper. Even if the plant is red, it has its own status in the culinary kingdom.

sources: Hungarian Folk Lexicon (in Hungarian), and Szeged Paprika Museum site

About Budapest Market Hall

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  1. Good day I m a farmer in Botswana Africa interested to be come a Paprika grower or joint venture project.

  2. Would like to order some Rose Paprika….the ‘specialty’ stores in USA…havent even heard of it….i dont mind paying the freight to Hungary…is there an exporter that could supply me with a personal quantity.

    thx mjm

    • Budapest Market Hall

      Hello Michael,

      Thank you for your question.
      We are specialising in market and food tours inside and around the Market Halls in Budapest.
      Each stall holder is their own entrepreneur / self-employed so they are in charge of handling their own trade.
      Unfortunately we cannot be of help with purchasing paprika. That said, you may find out about the Hungarian rose paprika by running a few google search with the Hungarian translation “rózsa paprika” or written as a single word “rózsapaprika”.
      If you should visit Hungary, we would recommend visiting the Museum and Paprika Mill in Roszke (in 2021 they had a special Rose Paprika day festival where all sorts of products were on sale of this high quality sweet paprika). The organisers have a website with a contact, they may be able to give professional advice on brands / products
      You may also wish to contact another big paprika producers in Hungary in Kalocsa town to find out more about the closest possible options to rose paprika.

  3. This was very informative. Judging by the picture the market with the peppers, there must be many types of each pepper with their own name. Is there a web site where I can reference the names of the peppers used for each category of paprika peppers?

    • Budapest Market Hall

      Dear Lindsay,
      thank you for your inquiry.
      Indeed, there are a lot of types of paprika, which are used to make the red powder for spicing in Hungary.
      The types are differentiated by their hotness and named after their origin (kalocsai, szegedi, szentesi, etc.).
      I have found one website with a list of all the paprika types, but unfortunately it is only in Hungarian (you can try to translate it with google though):
      I hope this helps.

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