Transylvanian Days in Budapest Great Market Hall

Transylvanian Cultural and Food Days in the Great Market Hall, Budapest, known as Vasarcsarnok in Hungarian. You can take a little trip to the Transylvanian traditions in Budapest, learn about Transylvanian Hungarian folk art, dances, foods and drinks, as Transylvanian towns and villages are home to many Hungarian families as well as Romanian families.

Transylvanian Chimney Cake Kurtoskalacs Ispa
Transylvanian Chimney Cake Kurtoskalacs Ispa

Transylvanian folk art crafts, including folk dresses, typical Transylvanian lifestyle tools, foods and drinks (Transylvanian Chimney cake (Kurtoskalacs), Transylvanian cabbage stew with sour cream, Transylvanian aubergine cream, etc.) will be presented at the Central Market Hall in Budapest during the Transylvanian cultural weekend in the Vasarcsarnok. You can also learn about the countryside tours and Transylvanian day trips to the outstanding historical towns and natural resorts of Transylvania, e.g. the Killing Lake (Gyilkos To), Brasov (Dracula’s Bran Castle is nearby), Sighisoara (Segesvar), etc. A wonderful place to visit, check out a bit of Transylvania in Nagycsarnok.

Venue of the Market Event

Great Market Hall (aka Central Market Hall or Nagycsarnok)

Address: 1-3 Vamhaz korut Street, Budapest, District IX.

Dates of the Market Event

Dates of the Transylvanian Days in Budapest:

  • March 12-14, 2019
  • October 15-17, 2019

(Thursday-Friday: 9.00-18.00, Saturday: 9:00 to 15:00)

The dates are subject to change.

Transylvanian Dracula Vlad Tepes Castle Dimitris Agelakis
Transylvanian Dracula – Dimitris Agelakis Photo

The Transylvanian weekends in Budapest will feature the essence of Transylvanian and Hungarian-Transylvanian culture, music and food culture, the traditional Transylvanian foods and drinks, and you will have a chance to purchase some nice little gifts from Transylvania too (chess boards, pipes, folk art cloths, etc.)

Last but not least, the Transylvanian Tourist Days will be held in Budapest Great Market Hall where you can get help to plan your off Transylvanian trip. Taste Transylvania in the central Great Market Hall of Budapest.

About Budapest Market Hall

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  1. I find it offensive that the organisers of this event speak nothing of the fact that Transylvania is a historical region which for the last century has been part of Romania. As it is advertised, the event should be called “The Days of the Hungarian minority in Transylvania, Romania”. The present title of the event is subversive and misleading.

    What a shame that some people in Hungary cannot come to terms with the past in the 21st century!

    • Budapest Market Hall

      Dear Cristi, we do not find anything offensive about giving an opportunity to a region to represent their culture, thus contributing the economic welfare of that region, regardless of the fact whether it will enhance the life quality of Hungarian Transylvanian or Transylvanian Romanian families. To quote from the above article: “as Transylvanian towns and villages are home to many Hungarian families as well as Romanian families.”
      Please do not try to find offence in good causes. Thank you.

      • Dear Organisers,
        Thank you for your reply. I have nothing against the opportunity you gracefully offered to a historical region that I also come from. That is laudable and I hope you will repeat it as often as possible. I complained about the fact that you did not mention that this region is part of Romania. This should be added in your presentation text.
        The phrase you quote should sound like this: “as Transylvanian towns and villages are home to many Hungarian families as well as a majority of Romanian families.”
        I wish you every success in this event which I will surely visit.

  2. Dear friends,
    From the beginning I just want to say that the utterance regarding the issue of cultural traditions can only lead to an enrichment for the human being, as long as the framework is based only on purely scientific facts that are the healthy ground of any line of thought.
    Along the same line, the international scientific community has strengthened most of the time that the cultural habits of the hungarian population from Transylvania have the most of their character-istics taken from the majority of inhabitants represented by the Romanians. Hence, I believe that any high regarded cultural event must present all the matters in the lights of scientific truth, otherwise the whole Event will have as a result only a mawkish look.
    I strongly think that this Event is not in the same wavelength as the feeble attempt held on the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. For this reason I urge you to not promote furthermore a deceit, by showing that this cultural values belong exclusively to the hungarian community.
    Please be fair and put on the market stalls alongside the goulash more polenta with cheese, to keep throughout this way the well-Known hungarian honesty.
    Be careful… the buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one!!

    • Budapest Market Hall

      Thank you for your comment. This is not a political and historical forum, or a wikipedia page history debate. This website will remain free from politics.

      Budapest Market hall has certain cultural events for everyone’s pleasure, and for helping to attract tourists to the highlighted target regions and countries.

      If you have any suggestions, constructive critical remarks please forward your request to the organizers at the following email:

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